Like gold runners, gunships also love speed, since it allows them to get the first shot against enemy ships, which is extremely important. However, some ships can’t be hit by L range guns or are immune within S, so it’s nice to have a mix of both. The range of the cannons isn’t as important as the rank, but L is better than S. Gunship: Usually a larger ship (at least 3 masts) that has accurate cannons (rank 2 is best). Example: Le Bon Marin (you can find her and all other game pieces in the Master Spreadsheet)
There are many abilities that help out gold runners, but more abilities that help out gunships. Gold runners are often small and inexpensive, although there are plenty of notable exceptions as well. Gold runner: A fast ship (preferably S+L base move or faster) with enough cargo space (preferably at least 4) for an explorer and a good amount of treasure. There are a few basic strategies that are integral to winning often, but once a player is used to them it becomes more interesting to win in unorthodox ways. In Pirates CSG, there are a multitude of different strategies that you can use to win games. Ranking: Top 5 Jade Rebellion Gold Runners.Ranking: Top 5 Barbary Corsair Gold Runners.Ranking: Top 5 Barbary Corsair Gunships.